Enders Game & Enders Shadow

Chapters 4-6
Chapters 1-3
Chapters 4-6
Chapters 7-9
Chapters 10-12
Chapters 13-15
Enders Shadow
Chapters 1-3
Chapters 4-6
Chapters 7-9
Chapters 10-12
Chapters 13-15
Chapters 16-18
Chapters 19-21
Chapters 22-24

These are Chapters 4, 5, and 6 of Enders Shadow

Chapter 4
Sister Carlotta is explaining to a Battle School commander the children she has found. They want Achilles, but when she told them he commited murder they changed their minds. Then when she told them of Bean, they wanted to wait a coulple years before taking him in.
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Bean is remembering things from his past, where he grew up, how he was raised, and who his father was. He remembers the ‘clean place’* the most, so he and Sister Carlotta make a map, tracing through all the areas he has been, hopefully leading back to the clean place, or maybe the janitors house. The janitor had stolen him from the clean place, so if Bean found the janitor, maybe he could find the clean place. Bean sneaks away from Sister Carlotta and begins his search for the janitor out in the open world. When he finds the janitor, Sister Carlotta pulls up with a cop who takes the janitor in for questioning. Then from this questioning, they find out that Bean was raised in an Organ Farm, but the company running this Organ Farm is untraceable.


*The clean place is a place in Bean's past that he remembers. Bean was born in this place, but he escaped and hid in a toilet tank for a little while until the janitor caught him and took him home, raising him for a while.

Chapter 5
The commanders don't want to bring Bean to Battle School, but they do anyways.
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When it was time for Bean to head off to Battle School, Sister Carlotta cried a fountain. She had assumed that he felt the same way for her, even though he did not. When he did arrive on the shuttle, the kids all around him looked so large, so babied. After takeoff, a man emerged from the cabin and introduced himself as Dimak, and immediately started quizzing them on space. Unfortunately, he picked on Bean a great deal. Dimak made sure that every kid on the shuttle knew that bean was smarter than them, but yet he was much smaller than them. His first time being in space, Bean felt nauseous. But, as he reoriented himself to the new directions of space, he felt better. The teacher noticed this, and picked on Bean even more.

Chapter 6
A commander asked a teacher why his evaluation report on Bean was so long. The teacher only replied by saying that Bean is so interesting.
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Bean and the rest of his launchies arrived on the station, and Bean takes in everything he can as he boards. His mind is already whirring as he figures out how everything on the station works. The first thing they do upon arrival is visit the gym. He is told that the gym monitors heartbeats, and has planned the exercise program to best fit them in Battle School. Bean then asks if they monitor heartbeats through their clothing, and if their clothing was removed they would not be tracked. The gym instructor told him firmly that he was not to remove any piece of clothing because the gym was set at the perfect temperature to work out. After the gym is free time, and Bean starts exploring. He finds the older kids’ classrooms, but before he can go anywhere else, classes change and a girl named Petra Arkanian leads him back to the Game Room. The game room is a room filled with games (obviously), and students can work on different talents by having fun. Bean notices that with his size, he could crawl into the air vents, and so he does. He can travel from place to place by the air vents, but he would have to get to the gym and start working on special muscles. Sister Carlotta finds and looks around the clean place, but finds nothing of interest.

If you spot any mistakes, please notify me by email; jorge16161616@yahoo.com. I would like to make this the best for you. Thank You!