Enders Game & Enders Shadow

Chapters 7-9

Chapters 1-3
Chapters 4-6
Chapters 7-9
Chapters 10-12
Chapters 13-15
Enders Shadow
Chapters 1-3
Chapters 4-6
Chapters 7-9
Chapters 10-12
Chapters 13-15
Chapters 16-18
Chapters 19-21
Chapters 22-24

These are Chapters 7, 8, and 9 of Enders Game.

Chapter 7- Part 1
The commanders are very suprised to see that Ender beat the 'un-winnable- level. They also talk about his tactics to win were sick, and that they are planning to transfer him to an army.
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At dinner, Ali explains to Ender how Ender sent the messages on their first day of school. Ali also wants Ender to sent up a security system for him, so no-one can hack into his desk. When he gets back to the bunks, Ender finds a note taped to his desk saying he was transferred to Salamander Army. Ender and Ali hug, and Ali whispered 'Salaam', but then left embarrassed. After that, Ender didn't report to the Salamander Amy, he left for the Game Room. He signed on to the fantasy game, but the teachers sent him a message saying to report to the Salamander Army bunks. Ender arrives there, and was greeted by a girl named Petra Arkania. Bonzo Madrid (Salamander Leader) walks in and gives Ender a speech about what Salamander means. He tells Ender he will trade him as soon as possible, so Ender agrees to stay out of the way in the battles. After their conversation, he talks to Petra and she agrees to help him learn to shoot in battles.

Chapter 7- Part 2
The next morning after breakfast, Petra and Ender start to work togerther, Petra showed Ender all of her skills, but when Ender tried he couldn't hit any of the targets. Later in the day, the Salamander Army had practice, and mof course Ender couldn't practice with them. To occupy the time, Ender studied their tactics and formations, pointing out their flaws to himself. He also starts practicing with his launchy group, giving himself and his group extra practice to make them better. Their group decides to meet everday during free play, however Bonzo didn't want a Salamander Army member 'playing' with launchies. Ender fights back by saying the other armies would want him more if he was better, and because Bonzo couldn't do anything about it. Enders first battle he lost. He was not disabled or *frozen, but Bonzo had told him not to fire, and he didn't even if he could have won the game for him. In later games Ender did shoot and disobeyed orders, but he kept Salamander from losing. At the end of the chapter, Ender was transferred into the Rat Army.
*frozen- being frozen is when you cannot move any body part that is shot

Chapter 8
The commanders of Battle School are discussing Ender, and they are planning to make Ender commander of army, but not just yet.
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Ender arrives in the Rat Armies headquarters, which ae a lot more disorganized than the Salamander HQ. The commander of their army is Rose de Nose, who sleeps with the rest of the army and, as Ender later finds out, is afraid of the dark. Ender is then placed in Dink Meekers toon, who Ender takes a liking to becuase of his tactics and disobedience to Rose to be better in battle. After their first practice, Ender teaches his new toon feet first attacking tactics, which gives them an advantage. During his first game in the Rat army, he is thrown feet first into his enemies territory and takes out many of the enemies before they freeze him and leave him *disabled. During his practice session with his launchies, a group of older boys barge in and start attacking the younger kids, but the launchies won. When Ender played the fantasy game again, he reached the Ender of the World, looked into a mirror on the wall and saw his brother, Peter. He smashed the mirror, but a bunch of little snakes came out and killed him.
*disabled- in battle, the two armies shoot each other with ray guns that 'freeze' whichever part of the body they hit. Being disabled is when you are frozen to the point of not being able to fight in the battle.

Chapter 9
The of Battle School are worried because the computer had gotten a picture of Peter, Enders brother. Their explanation for this action is that Ender was feeling lonely, so the computer formed around Ender and it is giving him things that he wants to see.
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Valentine celebrated Ender's birthday alone again. She felt lonely because no letters had come from Battle School. However, her parents wanted to forget Ender so they decided to move to North Carolina, to live in the nature. Before they moved, Peter was very cruel with animals in nature. Valentine had found a dead squirrel staked to the ground, skinned to the ground. Peter enjoyed doing this to watch their muscles move before they died. When they did move, Peter had chosen to shape up and be nicer. He improved his studies and became the guy everyone wanted to be. Valentine has always been a good writer, and she could convince people to her point of view through her writing. Peter has a talented type of writing; he can make people fear him. Peter has to a plan to use their father's *citizens acess pass so they can join in group discussions about important subjects. To start off, they made up throwaway names to get used to the system. Later, they made up names that they planned to make famous; Locke and Demosthenes. The two were working their way up on the poularity scale- making names for themselves and getting jobs that pay them. As Valentine was leaving school, Colonel Graff found her and asked her to write a letter to Ender, giving him a boot to continue his education. She doesn't want to, but Graff threatens her that he will reveal the identitiy of Demosthenes. She writes it, and the IF send her a medal that she wants nothing to do with.
*citizens access pass- a way to log onto the internet, to search for information and participate in chat rooms.

If you spot any mistakes, please notify me by email; jorge16161616@yahoo.com. I would like to make this the best for you. Thank You!