Enders Game & Enders Shadow

Chapters 10-12

Chapters 1-3
Chapters 4-6
Chapters 7-9
Chapters 10-12
Chapters 13-15
Enders Shadow
Chapters 1-3
Chapters 4-6
Chapters 7-9
Chapters 10-12
Chapters 13-15
Chapters 16-18
Chapters 19-21
Chapters 22-24

These are Chapters 10, 11, and 12 of Enders Game.

Chapter 10
The Commanders of Battle School are giving Ender his own army; him being older and more mature than he was.
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Ender recieved his new quarters which signified him as getting his own army. Only Commanders got their own quaters. Soon after getting his new quarters, he got his new uniform; the Dragon Army. Ender went to his bunks and arranged his army by seniority; oldest got the back, youngest got the front. Unfortunatly, the Battle School Commanders did not give him any veteran soldiers, all of them were new to Battle School. So to start off their Army, they headed toward the Battle Room to get some practice in and get his Army going. Ender noticed that one of his soldiers was young, just like he was when he was sent to an army. So Ender bullied him just like the people above him had bullied him. They have a good start, and even though he has no veterans, Ender begins to teach them some of his plans. However, Ender soon realizes that the only enemy in Battle School is not other armies, but the teachers.

Chapter 11
Veni Vedi Vici
The Commanders of Battler School are beginning to setup the Dragon Army Battle Schedule. They decided to have battles everyday, and one of them voices out that he does not like how many battles they are giving him. He is afraid that they will wear Ender out.
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Ender and his army recieve their first battle in a few days. Ender is more than certain that his army was ready, so he and them had no fears. They Battle against the Rabbit army, and he did very well. Dragon army slaughtered the Rabbit Army, Ender only suffering one completely frozen, five disabled, and many others damaged. The rest of his army heads off to lunch, while he heads toward the commanders mess. The only people are allowed in there are commanders who have one a battle. Everyone distances him, and treats him poorly because he has only had one battle, and he won it. Ender is currently top in the standings, perfect in all catagories. The next day, his Army has a battle against the Pheonix Army. They are tired from the battle the day before, but they still go out and win. He continues to have battles everyday, and he soon has other commanders flocking around him to learn his secrets about never being defeated. Ender hides nothing, so to learn more he heads toward the vids, watching old battles, learning new strategies. Unfortunatley, there is nothing to learn because everything good has been cut out of the Great Battle of Mazer Rackham, who was famous for beating the buggers in the invasion. After Ender has his seventh strait battle, Major Anderson comes and talks to Ender about why he is watching the old video clips. The next day, Ender and his army recieve two battles in the same day. The second  battle, however, was being cheated. The other army had at least five minutes in the Battle Room, and had time to be lined up against the wall the Dragon Army came through. They still win, although Ender is very disappointed with Major Anderson, and is mad about trying to be cheated on. That night, Bean comes and talks to Ender, who then confesses all of his worries to Bean.

Chapter 12

The top of the chain in Battle School comes to Colonel Graff to look out for Enders’ well being. He was having battles everyday which was wearing him out, and General Pace wanted to make sure Ender wouldn’t be hurt.

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Ender watched Bean practice with a deadline, which was a thin, almost invisible twine he used to change direction quickly. They had been battling for more than four weeks, one battle a day. As he was walking to the barracks, Petra warned him to be careful because some kids wanted to kill him. His next battle was full of stars, so it was hard to get the enemy. During his shower, Bonzo and friends come up and attack him! They fought in the foggy shower room, and Ender won with a great amount of damage to Bonzo. The next day, Ender had to fight a double-army. They won, although Ender started shouting at the teachers because of their trying to cheat. That night, Ender’s toon leaders/assistants, including Bean, were transferred as commanders of other armies. After that, he was reassigned from Battle School to Command School, even though no one has gone strait to Command School.

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Two unknown people are talking about what had happened at Battle School. Major Anderson was promoted to Colonel and Graff was reassigned to an unknown mission. The fight Ender and Bonzo had was then discussed, and we find out that Ender had actually killed Bonzo, not just wounded him.

If you spot any mistakes, please notify me by email; jorge16161616@yahoo.com. I would like to make this the best for you. Thank You!